Using Free and Open Source Software in the Selected Organizations in India: No budget, No Worries.
The budget impact of any technology introduction is studied by considering the impact that the technology has on the adoptive population. FOSS is a competitive technology to proprietary software. It differs in the manner in which it is produced and distributed. For many cases, it is a substitute for proprietary software; the most important and substantive budget impact of FOSS is as a substitute for proprietary software . It is widely believed that Free and Open Source software (FOSS) has an Important and lasting role to play in a developing country such as India. FOSS has already made a strong impact as it has been adopted by many businesses, educational institutions, government departments, and individual users. The various software packages and applications available in FOSS have assumed a serious and non-hobbyist position vis-a-vis proprietary software. Many Indian government departments and businesses have now made it policy to use and deploy FOSS wherever possible. In...