Can you be the better version of yourself?
A big YES! All of us are outlandish in our own unique ways. We all have the basic primal matter to be the best or the worst among others. From there on, the unique combination of circumstances and our own inner strength and pliability shape our characters. One thing is cocksure. Even the best amongst us cannot deny that we can be better versions of ourselves and that is all what's needed - to clinch our authentic selves and evolve without changing our basic core. Life is one long process of evolution, and while some of us gradually proceed from one stage to the next, learning and adapting along the way, others refuse to dislodge from who or what we imagine we are. The worst fallacy is to imagine that we have arrived and have nothing left to learn. When I got offer letter from more than a company, in that moment of vacuum that always follows the achievement of passionately-followed ambition, I asked my dad, "Now I have...